Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Do Not Be Afraid

The Christmas season is supposed to be full of joy, family, friends, and happiness.  Unfortunately, the joy of the season is getting replaced by to-do lists, running here and there, shopping, guilt, grief, and pure exhaustion.

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people."  Luke 2:9-10

Instead of being excited and filled with joy as the glory of God shines around us we are terrified, much like the Shepherds in the field that night near Bethlehem.  But the angel said, '"Do not be afraid!"  He said, don't be afraid that you won't have everything perfect, that you may forget to get a gift for someone, that you didn't get your cards out in time, that you didn't bake ten different items.  Do not be afraid!  The good news of Christ's arrival will cause great joy for all the people.  Not, gifts, or goodies, or parties.  Not, the most beautifully decorated house on the block or the most cards sent out.  It is the good news of Christ's birth that brings joy to all the people.

I am guilty of getting caught up in making everything just right, while making my family miserable.  I can't even enjoy Christmas music without baking or wrapping at the same time.  I want to include everyone, and make things by hand.  In the process I get crabby and tired and have no joy left to shine onto others.  I am afraid that things won't be just right.

As I complained to my husband about all that I had to do I explained why I could not drop anything from my to-do list I said, "If I don't get cards out, people will wonder where their card is.  If I don't make the picture books or calendars people will wonder why they didn't get one.  I didn't give a calendar to Uncle Chad and Aunt Sandy last year and Uncle Chad died."  (I know that not getting a photo calendar did not cause my uncle's death, but it weighs on me that I didn't give them one last year.)

I realized that I am terrified.  Terrified, that what I do, or don't do affects Christmas.  Christmas has nothing to do with what I do, or don't do.  Christmas is about God's love for us.  What God gave us can never compare to anything we do.  The best thing we can do at Christmas is to let our light shine on others, so that they may know the good news and feel the joy that Christ brought for all people.

Fifteen years ago our first child was born.  His birth was traumatic; he was placed on a helicopter and flown to a larger nearby city.  We were in the neonatal intensive care unit with him for five days.  We are thankful that it was only five days, many babies are in there much longer.

That year I let go of my Christmas to-do list.  I didn't mail out cards until after New Years.  I did just basic decorations, I only made one Christmas treat, our favorite one,  I kept gifts to a minimum.  We had even resigned ourselves the fact that we would be in the hospital for Christmas before we received the exciting news that we could go home on the 23rd.  Do you know what happened the year that I let go of all the things I HAD to do?  We enjoyed Christmas with our newborn, whom we were thankful was alive.  No one was angry about receiving their card late.  No one was upset that only one Christmas goody was available, no one complained about the lack of decorations.  We spent time with family and were thankful for everything.  After being terrified about the future of our first child, we experienced the joy of life, of Christ, of our Christmas miracle.

I am going to focus more on the joy of Christ during this last week before Christmas.  I'm going to let go of my to-do list and not worry about everything being just right, at the expense of my energy and joy.  I am going to put my phone away and spend time with my children, and my family.  Instead of focusing on material gifts I am going to let my light shine on others and spread the good news and joy of Christmas.  As I mail out the Christmas cards and packages today I am going to send them with joy in my heart, instead of anxiety about all that has yet to be done.  I am going to enjoy time with those I have here instead of focusing on the grief of those I have lost.

I will not be terrified!  I will experience great joy!  I will let my light shine!

Do not be afraid!  Let Your Light Shine!


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