Thursday, October 19, 2017

Keep Shining!

It seems there is a never ending stream of natural and man-made disasters in the news recently.  As soon as one horrible event begins to dissipate another follows behind it.  It is overwhelming and heartbreaking.  During difficult times it is easy to get caught up in the negative; believing that the world is crumbling around you.  It is difficult to find good and keep hope.  But, it is during these times when it is most important to keep shining. 

Having faced several difficult situations recently, in addition to the national and world events, I have found myself sinking into the darkness.  I have felt alone, afraid, and hopeless.  I have been too busy to write for awhile, and I have not made time for exercise.  I keep moving, keep doing, but I am not taking care of myself.  
I am not taking time to recharge my light, and I can feel it slipping away.
I have had to reach out for help, from my doctor, my counselor, and friends and family.  This is difficult for me to do.  I don't like to ask for help, partly because I don't want to burden others and partly because I am fiercely independent.  I am trying to reach out, to tell people what I need.  This is not an easy task; everyone is simply too busy with life, but I keep asking.  I have to keep shining my light.  I have to have ask for help and find hope.   

It's easy to get discouraged when people take advantage of your kindness, when they target you with allegations, when they out right turn their back to you and reject all that you are trying to give.  But, you must keep shining.  Don't let those around you or the events of the world extinguish your light.  Everyone has a purpose and light to shine for others.  It is important to follow God's plan and purpose.  It is not in His plan for us to live in despair (Psalm 42:11).

Find something to do or someone to talk to that will help you recharge your light and keep shining.  Last week I went to a Chris Tomlin (Christian Musical Artist) concert.  It was just what I needed.  I left feeling recharged and full of hope.  I left knowing that I have a purpose and I need to keep shining.  Whether it's a concert, yoga, time outside, a counselor, a friend, or a spouse, find someway to recharge your light when it begins to dim.  Don't let anyone steal your light! 

When there are mass shootings, devastating hurricanes and fires, nuclear threats, political unrest - keep shining!  When others try to steal your light, take advantage of you, target you, reject you - keep shining!  Even if someone shuts out your light, keep shining!  There are people who need your light and will accept it.  You can not force anyone to accept your help, your love, your light.  All you can do is Keep Shining!  

Keep Shining! 

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 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

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