Friday, July 15, 2016

Let Your Light Shine!

This blog is dedicated to the memory of my sister, Nicole.  Nicole had a bright light to shine, but it was dimmed too soon.  Nicole had a way of laughing that made everyone else laugh.  She was passionate and had a big heart.  Nicole had so much to give, but she got stuck in mental illness, and domestic violence.  On April 29, 2016 she could no longer see any light and she ended her life.

This blog will provide motivation and encouragement to Let Your Light Shine.  Everyone has light to shine for others.  Each person needs to find the best way to shine their light.  When your light begins to dim you need to recharge your own light in order to continue to shine.  Those who can no longer recharge their light and find themselves in unending darkness need the light of others even more.  

Those that are experiencing mental illness, domestic violence, and suicidal thoughts still have light to shine.  If all people will let their light shine we can make this world a better place.  We can provide more support for people with mental illness, end domestic violence, and help those that are feeling suicidal to continue life.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 KJV

Let Your Light Shine
So much to give, so much to share
Her laugh, her smile, her heart was so big
Her light was taken much too soon

The darkness came in and would not go
She tried so hard, but suffered much
Her light was dimmed by forces unknown

Though the darkness creeps in
Let Your Light Shine
When the times get tough
Let Your Light Shine

Let Nicole’s light not go out in vain
Let Your Light Shine to all

Michelle Uetz

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