Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Do Something

Five months ago a vacation changed our lives.  My husband and I brought two girls home with us after visiting family in a different state.  The plan was to provide them with a vacation and show them more of the country.  After two and a half weeks it was decided that they would stay with us.  We could provide them with a loving home, three brothers, stability, a good education, and opportunities they had never had.

Deciding to add these two girls (ages 8 & 13) to our family was an easy decision for us; even the boys (ages 9, 11, & 13) agreed.  In the week leading up to this decision we prayed for these girls.  They had spent their lives being shuffled around and experiencing things that children should not experience.  Living with us was a new start for them.

The first few weeks were difficult.  Someone often went to bed crying, sometimes me.  We continue to have ups and downs.  We are beginning to experience the result of the difficult past the girls have had.  Everyone has sacrificed.  We know that the sacrifice we are making is providing these girls with a chance at a good life, even life itself.

As we see friends and family, meet new teachers, doctors, and other community members we have had to explain the situation many times.  Without telling people that the girls had a tough life they immediately infer that part of the story.  Kids don't get a legal guardian unless the parents are not fit to take care of the them.  Many people have been amazed at what we are doing.  We have heard many compliments.
"You guys are amazing."
"You are an inspiration."
"You guys have a special spot in heaven."
"Wow! You two are life savers."
"They are lucky to have you."

All of these people mean well and we appreciate their support.  However, we do not feel that we are amazing, inspirational, or anything extraordinary.  We did what needed to be done and we feel blessed that we are able to do this.

The girls are as good for us as we are for them.  Our oldest son has learned to talk to girls. All the kids have learned more about patience and compromise.  The boys have learned to be more thankful for their life.  I have learned how to share.  I used to be the only female in the house.  Now, my makeup gets used, my shoes disappear, and I'm running out of hair binders.  

When people ask my husband about this big change he often replies, "life was getting too easy."  Life is anything but easy now.  As we are learning new ways to parent we know that this is God's plan and He will help us through it.  

There are many children in the world that need help. We sponsor a child in India through World Vision. The war in Allepo is devastating to all and is harming children. I believe in helping all people, but in doing so some people forget about the ones that are the closest. Mother Teresa said, "Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home."  Children and families in the United States need help too. We are blessed to have many programs in place to help, but people are still falling through the cracks. People are still struggling.

"On any given day, there are approximately 415,000 children in foster care in the United States." (1) "About 15 million children in the United States – 21% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty threshold." (2) "More than 700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually." (3) Statistics can provide information, but until you know children in these situations you can not truly understand it.

At times we get frustrated by the comments about how amazing we are because we feel that everyone can do something. Not everyone can take in two new children, be foster parents, or donate large amounts of money or time. But, everyone can do something to help others. That's what this blog is about - Letting Your Light Shine! You may not be able to take in additional children, but you can do something!

Instead of admiring what we have done, find something that you can do. Here are some ideas:
  • Offer to watch stressed out parents’ kids for the evening so that they can have a date night.
  • Donate extra school supplies to a school, especially in January when supplies are getting low.
  • Buy an extra book and give it to the school or clinic to give to a child that doesn't have any books at home.
  • Purchase an extra pair of mittens or a hat and give it to the school for a child in need.
  • Purchase extra underwear and socks for children and give them to the school.
  • Ask for a list from teachers of what they need, or what students need.
  • Volunteer at a school, shelter, daycare, or nursing home.  The people that work in these places are often overworked and could use help.
  • Bring a meal to a family that is busy, or struggling.
  • Pray for people - don't just say you will, actually do it.
  • Invite a child that may not be friends with your child to your child's birthday party - it may be the only one they get to go to.
  • Report child abuse and neglect - don't just "mind your own business."

Many of these things are simple, have little to no cost, and don't take a lot of time.   Many people give food to food shelves or donate toys during the holidays.  I challenge you to do something more in the new year, get out of your comfort zone and get creative.  Let Your Light Shine!

"Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." Matthew 18:4-5

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Michelle! You are inspiring, and I wish people like you filled the entire world. You are making it a much better place.


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